Actor, director, poet, writer and painter. Carlo Tedeschi was born in Rapallo (Genoa, Italy) in 1951.
He started painting when he was only a child. His first painting dates back to1957, and he started devoting himself to the theatre when he was still very young.
Later, he moved to Cattolica (Rimini) beside Leo Amici and Maria di Gregorio because he wanted to dedicate his life entirely to his neighbour and to the fulfilment of humanitarian works dedicated to peace, love and brotherliness.
In 1982 he gave life, together with its promoter Leo Amici, to the humanitarian Association Dare and realized the International Ecumenical Centre “Lake of Monte Colombo” (Rimini Province) that included, among other things, buildings dedicated to solidarity and to the realization and socialization of the young.
In 1985, he founded and directed the Academy of Art and formation to the profession which became a breeding ground for famous professional artists.
In 1986, he gained success with “Sicuramente Amici” (Friends for sure) which he wrote, directed and interpreted.
Leo Amici died in the same year, and he prosecuted his social and humanitarian work sided by Maria di Gregorio.
Since then he has written 17 original musicals which have carried him to the stages of the major Italian theatres and brought success to his company.
But, above all, Carlo Tedeschi is a believer (or man of faith): he cooperates with many Italian Dioceses. As a pastoral worker, he animated the centres for the Gospel Listening and catechesis for the youngest ones.
As a director, his shows as well as all his artistic productions, have become a means of evangelization with the aim of spreading the message of love and friendship of the Christian teaching, to rediscover values, to offer, especially to the young ones, an example of Christian life.
In 2002 he constituted the Leo Amici Foundation, a recognized body.
In 2004 he wrote and directed his new musical “Chiara di Dio” based on St. Claire’s life beside St. Francis from Assisi.
Link website http://www.carlotedeschi.it

Carlo Tedeschi
Author and director
Stefano Natale
Composer, musician and arranger of Carlo Tedeschi’s musicals and performances.
He produced theme songs and soundtracks of various programs and documentaries for the national televisions. He was the author of: The way of life performed by Billy Preston and Sam Moore.
He was co-author of the soundtrack movie What a wonder, friends! Stefano produced the soundtrack for the documentary film by Leo Amici: The true of a young man.
Stefano, manager of the Ralac Group Television (an audio video production and post-production), realized cultural and sport programs for the national televisions. He produced the video of the musical “Clare of God” shot in the exceptional framework of St. Damiano Convent in Assisi on the occasion of the 750° anniversary of Saint Clare death. He also realised the video of “A Flutter of Wings” – the life of Father Pio as seen by the Angels.
He put in place the audio and video archive of the Leo Amici Foundation. He has been collaborating with Carlo Tedeschi both in his humanitarian and artistic initiatives.
Films: leading actor of the documentary film “The True of a young man” by Leo Amici. In the 2007 summer, the Commision of the Royal Academy Dance of London, offered him the job as teacher of the jazz dance specialization course in Fondo Valle di Non (Trentino Alto Adige region)

Gianluca Raponi
He was the choreographer of Carlo Tedeschi success musicals as Clare of God and A Flutter of Wings. His education and training took place at the Lake Academy in Monte Colombo Rimini directed by Carlo Tedeschi. There he studied ballet with the RAD method, modern jazz, tip tap, acrobatic dance, singing, acting and music.
In 1986 he joined Carlo Tedeschi theatrical company and participated to all his performances as male lead with the choreography of Carmelo Anastasi (founding member of the IALS in Rome).
He worked at the Sistina theatre under the direction of Pietro Garinei in the musicals: “Alleluia Brava Gente” with Sabrina Ferilli and “Meno male che c’è Maria” with Enrico Montesano and “I figli della lupa” with Valeria Moriconi.
In the Renato Greco Ballet, he performed as male lead in: “Triccaballacca” “Trilussa” “Caino e Abele” “Talk about” and “Child” with the choreographies of Maria Teresa dal Medico e Renato Greco.
He participated in many national television programs.
Operettas: at the Verdi theatre in Trieste under the direction and choreography of Gino Landi “Il Pipistrello” and “La Vedova Allegra”. At the Roma Opera House “La Vedova Allegra”.

Andrea Tosi
Composer and arranger, Andrea begun his professional experience with Carlo Tedeschi musicals, shadowing Stefano Natale.
He has, since then, continued his collaboration with them. His last works included “Clare of God” and “A Flutter of Wings”. He worked at the Sistina theatre in Rome with Garinei and Giovannini (two top art directors) as musical assistant of maestros: G. Ferrio, A. Trovajoli and C. Mattone in the following musicals: “Alleluia Brava Gente”, “Rugantino”, “Un paio d’ali”, “Aggiungi un posto a tavola” and “Scugnizzi”.
Together with Stefano Natale, won the first prize as Best Soundtrack of a Documentary-Film: “Angela degli Abissi” at the Underwater World Film Festival in 1990 in Antibes.
He worked as musical consultant to an advertising spot of a famous coffee producer (Illy) under the direction of Francis Ford Coppola and as musical assistant in the live CD recording of Sting “On such a night”.